Keydowns during Socket Read/Writes

Alex Tweedly alex at
Tue Feb 8 18:56:06 EST 2011

Also, your script has 'the' instead of 'then' (I know, just a typo), and 
it has "else" ... "end if" with no corresponding "if" to begin.

Could I suggest that you include  the complete working script, as 
copied/pasted from the script editor,
then include the complete on-working script. (or include both working 
scripts ...)

That way we are seeing all the script lines with minimal chance of 

-- Alex.

On 08/02/2011 23:41, Mark Schonewille wrote:
> Hi Camm,
> What does "does not work" mean? You need to explain this, before we can help you.
> Additionally,
>    if controlKey is down
> cannot work, but
>    if controlKey() is down
>    if the controlKey is down
> can work (provided that you're pressing the control key).
> --
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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> On 8 feb 2011, at 22:42, Camm wrote:
>> Can anybody see the problem with using "Keys" whilst using socket commands.
>> I have tried KeyUp , KeyDown , RawKeys etc they work okay except when trying
>> to write to socket
>> Open socket to "" with message "ClientConnected"
>>   on ClientConnected pSocket
>>         write "Hello"&  crlf to socket pSocket
>>         read from socket pSocket until crlf with message "ReceivedMessage"
>>          end ClientConnected
>>         on ReceivedMessage pSocket tdata
>>            read from socket pSocket until crlf with message
>> "ReceivedMessage"
>>            put number of items in tdata into NumItems
>>            repeat with y=1 to NumItems
>>               put  char 3 to 4 of item y of tdata into a
>>               delete char 1 to 5 of item y of tdata
>>               put item y of ToUpper(tdata) into line a of fld XYZ
>>            end repeat
>>            else
>>            end if
>> THIS WORKS>>>>>>  write "Arn.Resp:5015=1:"&  crlf  to socket pSocket
>> THIS WORKS>>>>>>  if controlKey is down the put  "Arn.Resp:5015=1:" into fld
>> XYZ
>> THIS DOES NOT>>>>>  if controlKey() is down then write "Arn.Resp:5015=1:"&
>> crlf  to socket pSocket
>>                         end ReceivedMessage
>> Best Regards
>> Camm
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