Sample stack demonstrating how to obtain all properties and custom properties of a stack?

Bob Sneidar bobs at
Wed Dec 28 11:31:54 EST 2011

Get the customProperties of a stack. It is an array. Get the properties of a stack. It is (almost) all of the properties of the stack as an array. at this point the easiest thing to do to save them as a file on disk is to arrayEncode() them and write them to a low level file. Not sure if you need to base64 encode them too. Only way to tell is to try. See open file, read from file, and write to file in the dictionary. 

Putting the standard properties back is a bit trickier though. I don't think you can set the properties of a stack. I think you have to loop through them. repeat for each element pProp in theStackProps;set the pProp of this stack to theStackProps[pProp] off the top of my head. 

You may however be able to just set the customProperties of a stack. 


On Dec 28, 2011, at 12:38 AM, Keith (Gulf Breeze Ortho Lab) wrote:

> Hi All,
> Does anyone know of a sample stack demonstrating how to pull all of the properties and custom properties out of a stack, putting them into a file, and then demonstrating how to put the file of data back into the stack (or into another copy or clone of the original stack)?
> Thanks,
> - Boo
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