Crashing Ubuntu 11.10 with LC 4.5

Peter Alcibiades palcibiades-first at
Mon Dec 26 15:38:50 EST 2011

Stay with Ubuntu for now, but install fluxbox and see if it still happens. 
At least you'll know if its Ubuntu or Gnome3.

Once you have got used to Fluxbox, its astonishing how little use you have
for a window manager, desktop, all that bloat.  I preferr flux to openbox
mainly because the virtual desktop function is easier and quicker, but
either one is quick and minimal and stable and keeps out of the way. I agree
with Mark about Xfce, its the closest thing to Gnome2.  Thunar is a very
nice, very simple file manager.  xfe is also quite nice.

Gnome seems to have totally lost its way.  Funnily enough KDE in the latest
incarnation seems to be getting back to KDE 3.5, and that was quite the
equal of Gnome2....   The more things change....

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