iOS: text styles

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Dec 21 22:27:56 EST 2011

On 12/21/11 4:42 PM, Chris Sheffield wrote:

> Set the standalone settings for iPad, etc. Launch it in the
> simulator. Does the word "are" appear in italics? It doesn't for me.
> Should it? The same thing works fine in the IDE. But when run in the
> simulator or on a device the text is not styled. I did just try using
> Helvetica instead of Arial and that seems to work okay.
> Unfortunately, I need Arial and not Helvetica.

I vaguely recall something similar happening to me. What I think is 
going on is that iOS won't generate fake styles like bold and italic; it 
will only use fonts that have separate style faces in the font family. I 
haven't tried it, but it might work to set the font name rather than the 

<p>Howdy! How <font="Arial-ItalicMT">are</font> you today?</p>

The font names for iOS 5 are here: <>. iOS 4 has all 
the Arials too.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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