Independent Progress Bar
Bob Sneidar
bobs at
Thu Dec 15 12:07:13 EST 2011
On Dec 14, 2011, at 11:14 PM, FlexibleLearning wrote:
> If you want a modal progress bar that works independently (as in
> non-blocking) then open the modal invisible first and increment your own bar
> as required.
> Both will 'stall' if LC is performing a blocking and time-consuming
> operation unless it is returning a trappable value (such as a 'bites
> downloaded' callback) that you can use.
> Hugh Senior
> FLCo
Aye that's the rub. When opening a remote SQL server, or calling sqlYoga to do it for me, there is a time lapse, sometimes several seconds, during which all operations are blocking ones. mySQL is not going to give me progress reports, and unless Trevor decides to implement them, sqlYoga will not either.
In any case there are many times that the blocking operations will take enough time that any attempt to automate the progress indicator will be jumpy at best, and completely fail at worst.
My solution of creating a standalone stack with systemWindow set to true and a label and animated gif works perfectly for this. I hide the calling stack before calling spinnerOn so the user won't attempt to interact with the main application. Obviously this is an OS X solution for now.
My calling scripts look like this:
on spinnerOn
put "tell application " & quote & "spinner" & quote & cr & \
"activate" & cr & \
"end tell" & cr into theCommand
do theCommand as Applescript
end spinnerOn
on sendMove
put the loc of me into theLoc
put "moveMe " & quote & theLoc & quote into theCommand
send theCommand to program "spinner"
end sendMove
on sendMessage thePrompt
put "setPrompt " & quote & thePrompt & quote into theCommand
send theCommand to program "spinner"
end sendMessage
on spinnerOff
put "hideMe" into theCommand
send theCommand to program "spinner" -- we leave it running for future use
end spinnerOff
My scripts in the Spinner stack look like this:
on appleEvent theEvent
request appleEvent data
put it into theData
if theEvent is "setPrompt" then
setPrompt theData
end if
if theEvent is "moveMe" then
moveMe theData
end if
if theEvent is "showMe" then
end if
if theEvent is "hideMe" then
end if
pass appleEvent
end appleEvent
on setPrompt theData
set the text of field "lblSpinner" to theData
end setPrompt
on moveMe theLocation
set the loc of me to theLocation
end moveMe
on showMe
show me
end showMe
on hideMe
hide me
end hideMe
on centerPrompt
set the width of field "lblSpinner" to the formattedwidth of field "lblSpinner"
set the loc of field "lblSpinner" to the loc of grc "Background"
set the left of img "spinner" to the right of field "lblSpinner" +10
end centerPrompt
Works a peach. Anyone can easily do this themselves.
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