Location of a modal stack

Graham Samuel livfoss at mac.com
Thu Dec 15 10:32:00 EST 2011

Perhaps I missed this in the documentation, but it seems to be an anomaly:

If I have a mainstack with a substack "MyTest", then if I do

   set the loc of stack "MyTest" to the screenLoc
   open stack "MyTest"

sure enough the stack appears at the screenLoc; but if I change the statement to:

   open stack "MyTest" as modal

the stack appears elsewhere on the screen! As I am growing my own dialog boxes, this is mighty inconvenient. The only way I have found to get round this is to have an OpenStack handler in the substack itself which contains the statement:

   set the loc of this stack to the ScreenLoc

then it works.

Am I doing something wrong, or is it a bug or is it a (very strange IMHO) feature?


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