
dunbarx at dunbarx at
Fri Dec 9 15:11:18 EST 2011

Ah. Thanks, everyone.

I knew about the lines, the string I tested with, was, after all, a line.

But I did not get from the dictionary the power of the wildcard char "*". The example there was "A*C", and I saw that one or more chars could be between those outer chars. I did not appreciate the "*A*" syntax.

Craig Newman

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Sneidar <bobs at>
To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at>
Sent: Fri, Dec 9, 2011 9:33 am
Subject: Re: Filter

BTW you will get the contents of the entire line by using filter temp with 
"*c*". As I mentioned it works with entire lines, not chunks of text. 

If you are trying to see if "abcdef" contains "c" use "c" is in "abcdef". If you 
are trying to find which character contains the first "c" use offset("c", 
"abcdef"). If you are trying to find ALL the "c"'s in the string it gets 
trickier. If the string HAS to be formatted that way, then you will need a 
repeat loop. 

put 0 into theCount
put "abcdef" into theString
repeat for each char theChar in theString
  add one to theCount
  if theChar is "c" then
    put theCount & comma after thePositionList
  end if
end repeat
delete the last char of thePositionList

optionally you could do this:

put "abcdef" into theString
repeat for each char theChar in theString
  put theChar & cr after theNewString
end repeat

filter theNewString with "c"

I can't think of how that would be useful, but I don't know what you are doing. 


On Dec 9, 2011, at 11:15 AM, dunbarx at wrote:

> What am I doing wrong? If I have:
> on mouseup
>   put "abcdef" into temp
>   filter temp with "c"
>   put temp
> end mouseup
> I get empty. I don't need more empty.
> Craig Newman
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