"do not back up" attribute iOS
François Chaplais
francois.chaplais at mines-paristech.fr
Fri Dec 9 12:33:02 EST 2011
You CAN store persistent data. GoodReader does it, many others do it. What has change is that you must do it into the proper application directory and not in 'tmp' or 'cache' folders, which are obviously not right places for storing persistent data.
Le 9 déc. 2011 à 15:22, ddas a écrit :
> That is all history as far as Apple is concerned.
> Apple has started enforcing the 5.01 guidelines and is rejecting apps en masse.
> Any app that downloads data and wants it to persist is in for a nasty shock.
> Revolution as it stands now is a crippled tool for iOS.
> This is a critical fix.
> I am amazed that Revolution is not hip to this.
> http://developmentseed.org/blog/2011/11/11/apple-resolves-issues-offline-caches-ios/
> Regards,
> Debdoot
> http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1719/_index.html
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