crossword puzzle in LiveCode

Pierre Sahores sc at
Thu Dec 8 17:43:16 EST 2011

Hi there,

I had to deal with such a project in the past. The simplest way i found went to handle the gird as a collection of rectangle buttons driven as an array and all works fine. The button's label is used to display the letter under the control of the grid builder engine (or typed from the keyboard at game time), etc...The app is still used no far from twenty years later to produce the crosswords grids my company is delivering for sale and under the CC license (


Le 8 déc. 2011 à 18:51, Chris Sheffield a écrit :

> Has anybody ever created a crossword puzzle application in LC? I'm having to make one, and I'm kind of at a loss. Not really sure how to proceed. If anyone has some pointers or sample code they'd be willing to share, I'd be most grateful.
> My idea right now is to have some kind of a grid that would get created at run-time. Not sure yet whether to use square graphics or just use actual fields. So the application would be fed the max number of spaces across and then the max number of spaces down. So say the longest word across has 10 letters, and the longest word down has 6 letters. So a grid that is 10 by 6 would be created. Then I would somehow determine where the letters for the words will be placed in the grid (still kind of fuzzy on this part), and then once that's done, I would hide the unused spaces, leaving behind a crossword layout. Tapping/clicking in a space would then allow the user to enter a letter for that space (or something of that nature).
> Does that even sound doable? Anyone have a better suggestion?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> --
> Chris Sheffield
> Read Naturally, Inc.
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Pierre Sahores
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