ANN: ibPopover DropTool

Ken Ray kray at
Sun Aug 28 13:00:47 EDT 2011

Just a quick post to let you know that Ismo Bergroth created a free new DropTool control called "ibPopover". Here's Ismo's post to the LiveCode forums about the control:

"The ibPopover control mimics the behavior of popovers introduced in OS X Lion. Basically it is a translucent window with an arrow pointing to the source it was opened from. Popovers automatically move whenever the main stack moves. ibPopover also allows detaching to become a separate window. When the popover is detached it will no longer be moved when the main stack moves. Closing the detached window will make it open in it's original position when it is invoked the next time. Nondetachable popovers cannot be moved. "

You can get more info on the DropTools site at:

Thanks, Ismo! Keep 'em coming...


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at
Web Site:	

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