Error on uploading app to App Store

dbrooks at dbrooks at
Sat Aug 27 14:48:07 EDT 2011

Quoting William de Smet <williamdesmet at>:

> Hi Dave,
> But you don't have a solution yet?

No. And I've gone so far as to offer a 'reward' to people who might  
help.  I've spent 20 years -- off and on -- developing the software.  
It does things like balance chemical equations and 'given so many  
grams of this, how many grams of that ...' AFTER you do your problem  
with your substances and numbers, you can click a tutor button and it  
will try to show you how it just did what it did.

I had little trouble in moving this from the desktop to an iPad. And I  
probably spent 300 tries fixing the iPad version -- dealing with iPad  

I'm too ready to upload this thing! I have the desktop versions  
(freely available) just about ready to release. If you want CREDIT,  
you have to take the course. If you want to learn the material, you  
just go to the site.

Last week I dealt with a problem of using "do" commands in on-rev.  
That was resolved quickly.

So, you're hearing the ranting of a very frustrated old guy. No, I  
haven't got a solution yet.

I suspect without knowing this that Apple has changed something AFTER  
RR developed it's process for building apps.

If I figure out how to do this, I'll post it right away. If you do,  
contact me offline. If it works for me, I'll tell you how to 'collect  
the reward.'


Dave B.

PS  Maybe an old man who has something that works on Mac, Windows, Web  
pages, and presumably under Linux should be happy.

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