How To Edit Datagrid Column Template?

Scott Rossi scott at
Thu Aug 18 00:26:19 EDT 2011

Recently, Pete wrote:

> Yes, it's confusing!  Have you already tried customising a column by
> clicking the column behavior button?  That should be the only way it would
> be highlighted and the add button disabled.  From the way you describe it,
> here's what I think you should see
> ...

OK, well, your instructions seem a bit simpler than the lesson instructions.
Perhaps the online lesson is a bit out of date?

> One other thing - you won;t see any of your customisations until there is
> data in the datagrid which can lead you to believe the customisation didn't
> work.

Very helpful tip!

Thanks much, Pete.  I got the datagrid set up now but I'm not sure I did it
the "right" way. :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

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