OT: Slideshow Image CMS Best Practice
Alex Tweedly
alex at tweedly.net
Wed Aug 17 19:03:41 EDT 2011
Thanks for the tip about Galleria; I currently use boring old HTML
galleries, and am just about to convert to something more exciting for a
couple of websites, so this tip comes at just the right time to save me
some effort :-)
Before I get to folder conventions, I should just mention the use of
"adjacent matching text files". I used to use that scheme, but had moved
away from that to a single "photoindex.txt" file which contained the
file names, captions, descriptions, etc. - i.e. all in one file, so that
I could control the order of display of the photos in the gallery. But
now I've (99%) decided to go back to that scheme, with 'photoindex.txt'
reduced to just an ordered list of image names, and all the caption info
in "someimage.txt" files as you described.
I have similar concerns about large numbers of files in one folder, so I
lean towards sub-folders for each image type. However, I don't favour
putting the primary image file at the top level; I'd have a sub-folder
for those also. So I (am going to) use the following variation
2A) USE Separate Folders AND file name appendages
photoindex.txt # control the order
mother-centipede.txt # caption, etc.
mother-centipede_normal.jpg #800px wide
mother-centipede_thumb.jpg #100px wide
mother-centipede_big.jpg #1500px wide
-- Alex.
P.S. Yes, please, I'd love to have a copy of your .irev libraries. How
about the desktop client ?
On 17/08/2011 05:50, Sivakatirswami wrote:
> I am using Galleria on our web site.. (galleria aino.se)
> I love it... so extensible, customizable, documentation is excellent
> I've written some .irev libraries that only need a path to a folder
> with images and adjacent matching text files for captions and then
> LiveCode dynamically builds the slide show web page. It's simple. I
> have a desktop client that people use to create content:
> someImage.jpg
> someImage.txt # a caption file
> this CMS is really very portable and can be massaged into any kind of
> delivery framework...
> I'm just wondering what others think in terms of future CMS and coding
> and issues. A fork in the road:
> 1. ALL IMAGES IN ONE FOLDER (thumbnails, 800px wide "large" photo,
> 1500px wide "Big Photo"
> -- with file name appendages
> /centipede-gallery
> /images
> mother-centipede.jpg #800px wide
> mother-centipede.txt # caption
> mother-centipede_thumb.jpg #100px wide
> mother-centipede_big.jpg #1500px wide
> OR
> 2) USE Separate Folders AND file name appendages
> /centipede-gallery
> /images
> mother-centipede.jpg #800px wide
> mother-centipede.txt # caption
> /thumbnails
> mother-centipede_thumb.jpg #100px wide
> /big
> mother-centipede_big.jpg #1500px wide
> Galleria documentation is agnostic (as it should be) but "kinda"
> points to all images in the same folder:
> as flat HTML:
> div id="gallery">
> <a href="/img/large1.jpg"><img src="/img/thumb1.jpg" alt="My
> description" title="My title"></a>
> <a href="/img/large2.jpg"><img src="/img/thumb2.jpg" alt="Another
> text" title="Another title"></a>
> </div>
> or as JSON:
> <script>
> var data = [
> {
> image: 'img1.jpg',
> thumb: 'thumb1.jpg',
> big: 'big1.jpg',
> title: 'my first image',
> description: 'Lorem ipsum caption',
> link: 'http://domain.com'
> },
> on the other hand I get nervous when I see lots of files
> in the same folder and some obsessive Virgo part of me wants to always
> organize things
> and hence the gut anxiety that maybe it is better to use extra folders
> for thumbnails and big images,
> then in Livecode, if you need to you can just targe the folder
> "thumbnails" and get a file list...
> vs parsing a list of files for "*_thumb*" which is easily breakable...
> A good folder, filename convention always pays off big dividends in
> the end
> and many times it really does not matter exactly what you do,
> but only that you *do* have some rational layout and conventions and
> follow them.
> In this case I am in a fix and waffling about which way to go and
> wondered if anyone else
> has experience and strong ideas about image gallery CMS conventions?
> Gallery: All images Variations in a Single Folder vs Folders for Each
> Image Variation type
> Oh and if you want the code for the slide shows. happy to share.
> Sivakatirswami
> PS. Mother centipede is real:
> http://himalayanacademy.com/blog/taka/2011/08/16/natures-wonders-amma-centipede/
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