Searching for partial matches in a datagrid
zryip theSlug
zryip.theslug at
Wed Aug 10 15:28:00 EDT 2011
Hi Bob,
Maybe time for sharing some hidden scripts.
Here is a part of the DGH engine script that could probably do the trick:
command dgh_FindLine pWhichDataGrid, pKeyIndexA, pSearchType, pSearchString
local tTheIndexList, tIndex, tTheLineList
_dgh_FindIndex pWhichDataGrid, pKeyIndexA, pSearchType, pSearchString
put the result into tTheIndexList
repeat for each item tIndex in tTheIndexList
put the dgLineOfIndex[tIndex] of pWhichDataGrid into item (the
number of items of tTheLineList + 1) of tTheLineList
end repeat
if (tTheLineList is empty) then
return 0
return tTheLineList
end if
end dgh_FindLine
private command _dgh_FindIndex
local foundAMatch, theFoundIndex, i, theIndex, tIndexValue,
tSearchType, tNotSearch, tSearchString, tError
if (pSearchType is among the items of _zuSearchContentOperatorList()) then
put the dgData of pWhichDataGrid into sDataArray
repeat for each key theIndex in sDataArray
repeat with i = 2 to the paramCount step 3
put sDataArray[theIndex][param(i)] into tIndexValue
put param(i+1) into tSearchType
put param(i+2) into tSearchString
if (first word of tSearchType is "not") then
put "not " into tNotSearch
delete first word of tSearchType
put empty into tNotSearch
end if
put value(tNotSearch & "(" & quote & tIndexValue &
quote && tSearchType && quote & tSearchString & quote & ")") into
exit repeat
end repeat
if foundAMatch then
put theIndex into item (number of items of
theFoundIndex + 1) of theFoundIndex
end if
end repeat
if (theFoundIndex is empty) then
return 0
return theFoundIndex
end if
catch tError
answer tError
end try
answer pSearchType && "is not in" && _zuSearchContentOperatorList())
end if
end _dgh_FindIndex
private function _zuSearchContentOperatorList
return "is,begins with,ends with,contains,is not,not begins
with,not ends with,not contains,=,>,>=,<,<=,<>"
end _zuSearchContentOperatorList
It is an implementation of the FindIndex and FindLine handler of the
Datagrid library with additional capabilities. The capacity of
searching with multiple queries is removed. I'm using another couple
of handlers for doing that.
Note that all the existing operators can be use: contains, begins
with, ends with, >, <, =, is, etc
Usage examples:
put the long id of grp "myDataGrid" into tDataGridRef
dgh_FindLine tDataGridRef, "Col1", "contains", "a"
put the result into tTheLineFound
set the dgHilitedLines of tDataGridRef to tTheLineFound
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 12:43 AM, Bob Sneidar <bobs at> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I am hoping there will be a way to search a datagrid for PARTIAL matches. I already can find EXACT matches, and I tried regex on the findIndex command, to no avail. I know that if I cannot I can always get the dgText of the datagrid, but there is a problem with that method. First, the datagrid may contain a huge amount of data, and it seems inefficient to work with strings if I can use arrays instead. Second, if I need to set the dgText of the datagrid to what I find, it will wipe all my hidden data columns, that is array keys which I do not have a column for in the datagrid. I depend on these.
> So I can kludge a way to do this, but I was hoping I was simply missing something.
Best Regards,
-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
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