Money Script

Charles Szasz cszasz at
Mon Aug 8 12:17:50 EDT 2011


I just came across your "dollar" script for adding fields with dollar signs!  I have been "fighting" with fields that contain a $ sign for the past two days.  I am doing a little app to compute mileage and expenses for our local school district. It is a free app. I retired from the school system two years ago and thought I could give them something to make easier for staff to compute monthly mileage and related expenses. 

Your script is very cool and just what I needed!  I have it working for three fields. I have fifteen fields that have dollar values. I know I can use your present method to do all 15 fields but is there a way a repeat loop could be used instead?  I tried to do a repeat loop but I have not yet got it working. 

Also, what modification to the script would I need to get $x.00 instead of $x. for a total? 

Thanks for your time!

Charles Szasz
cszasz at

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