carrying a global variable from stack to sub stack

Bob Sneidar bobs at
Mon Aug 1 12:39:37 EDT 2011

Hi Admin. (Did your parents really name you "Admin"??) ;-)

You can also put the global declaration at the top of the stack and substack script:

global bobTest

on openCard
   put "This is a test" into bobTest
end openCard

If your global is going to be used in a lot of places, this is a better way to go. In fact, this is better for ALL globals in that you can see all your globals in one place instead of having to dig around in your scripts to see if you declared it or not, or if you mistyped it in the script that does not happen to be working at the moment. 


On Jul 30, 2011, at 5:30 PM, Admin wrote:

> Thank you. 
> The only place I did not have it was in my stack's
> script with the openstack handler. 
> Duh! 
> Mike 

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