How to generate user passwords

FlexibleLearning admin at
Thu Apr 28 13:02:20 EDT 2011

> Your function generates very random strings which might be too random for
a user to remember on their own.

Just a playful idea...

on mouseUp
  put passwordPhrase()
end mouseUp

function passwordPhrase
  return w1() && w2() && w3() && w4() && w5()
end passwordPhrase

function w1
  return item random(4) of "All,None of the,Some,Several"
end w1

function w2
  return item random(4) of "roads,streets,motorways,buses"
end w2

function w3
  return item random(4) of "frequently,often,sometimes,occasionally"
end w3

function w4
  return item random(4) of "go to,pass by,avoid,congest"
end w4

function w5
  return item random(4) of "Rome,Paris,London,New York"
end w5

Hugh Senior

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