Question about position of cloned group

dunbarx at dunbarx at
Sat Apr 16 11:46:12 EDT 2011

There is an issue with the "last group". Unlike all other objects, it doesn't work. The dictionary has this:

The "last" keyword is not stable when referring to groups. So if one creates several groups, referencing the "last" group may not return the group actual ly created last. Using the "templateGroup" is a workaround, since when creating a new group one can, for example, set the name of the templateGroup to something unique, and be able to find the last group by name. Also, trapping the "newGroup" message with an appropriate script can be used to find the last group.

This is not an issue with other objects,

-----Original Message-----
From: William de Smet <williamdesmet at>
To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at>
Sent: Sat, Apr 16, 2011 10:14 am
Subject: Question about position of cloned group

Hi there,

I use a little script to clone a grp and rename the name and label of
the btn in the group.
So far so good but each cloned grp is put on top of the other one. Not so nice!
How do I get the cloned grp to be show next to the previous cloned grp?
Set the left of grp Naam to (the left of the last grp +20) doesn't work

on mouseUp
   lock screen
   clone grp "dummy"
   global Naam
   add 1 to Naam
   set the name of the last grp to Naam
   set the name of btn "cijfer" of the last grp to Naam
   set the label of the last btn to Naam
  set the left of grp Naam to (the left of the last grp +20)
   unlock screen
end mouseUp



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