Videograbber Audio settings on Mac - Desktop LC 4.6

stephen barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at
Sat Apr 16 03:55:29 EDT 2011

Hi gang,
I don't know if this is old turkey meat here, but I'm still having problems
with saving AUDIO settings with the videograbber library.
The video settings now can be restored, but the audio settings just don't
seem to 'stick'.

The syntax and usage on this videograbber stuff is just plain weird.   There
is no example code using <revVideoGrabDialog "audio"> in conjunction
with <revVideoGrabDialog
"video"> . I just don't know how to get the audio to remember its settings.

here's my settings code (abbrevitated)

on preopenstack

   local myvar

      -- load the videoSettings custom property of this stack into the myVar

      put gDataArray["videoSettings"] into myVar

      -- set the video grabber to use the settings we just loaded from the

      revSetVideoGrabSettings "myvar"
end preopenstack

--  ( yeah the video settings get loaded but how do the audio settings get
loaded? don't we need another variable for the audio settings?)

on getAllsettings

      -- get all dialogs for setting video and audio


      local myvar

      revVideoGrabDialog "video"

      revVideoGrabDialog "audio"

      revVideoGrabSettings "myvar"

      put myvar into gDataArray["videoSettings"]


      --  save this stack

end getAllsettings

(shouldn't there be a   revSetAudioGrabSettings "myaudiovar"   ?????? )

Some help from those who have gone before me would be welcome... thanks..


Stephen Barncard
San Francisco Ca. USA

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