Standalone Inclusions

Joseph joseph at
Sat Apr 2 11:03:54 EDT 2011

I'm attempting to use the standalone builder and after some hours of
dabbling continue to encounter some errors.  Specifically, the inclusions
for the database and XML libraries do not appear to function in the
standalone. I've added the inclusions in the standalone builder both
manually and through automatic search. More specifically, calling
revOpenDatabases(), revdb_connections(), revOpenDatabase(), and
revdb_connect() only interrupt and terminate the handler.  Using
revCreateXMLTree() terminates as well, so I suspect the other XML library
handlers are also not present.

Although the database and xml bundles are not functioning properly, they
apparently are physically present in the app bundle. Additionally, there
appear to be no scripts in the card or stack levels of the
revExternalLibrary stack, if there should be.

Any ideas for solving this problem?

Thanks, Joseph
Environment: Mac OS 10.4.11, LiveCode 4.5.1

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