send vs dispatch and continuously running processes

Kee Nethery kee at
Thu Sep 30 09:55:58 EDT 2010

Will look at load and callback as a way to implement this kind of multitasking, thanks.

On Sep 30, 2010, at 6:42 AM, Mike Bonner wrote:

> If you're doing something like a repeat forever loop, somewhere in the loop
> you should have a wait with messages command so the script has breathing
> room to execute other things.
> IE:
> wait 10 milliseconds with messages
> As for getting web urls, have you looked at the load command?
> it will load a page into cache in the background, and you can designate a
> callback to handle it when the load is done.  Since this is a looping
> forever thing you'll need to make sure you unload the url after you process
> the results so that you always get a fresh result, and so that you don't
> fill your memory to the brim and bring your system to a standstill.
> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 7:27 AM, Kee Nethery <kee at> wrote:
>> Just want to confirm I understand these commands.
>> I tend to write applications that run continuously. They loop over and over
>> doing the same tasks and pretty much never get to a point to where they halt
>> waiting for user input. Thus for me the current script never finishes
>> executing.
>> The "send blah in X minutes" command appears to only execute once the
>> current script has completed, which in my case is never. So I assume I
>> should never use the "in X minutes" form and only ever use send as an
>> immediate command such that the current script halts and waits for it to
>> complete. Correct?
>> Dispatch looks to me like send except it makes it easier to include
>> parameters and does not include the delay, which I cannot use anyway.
>> Correct?
>> I was hoping that I could use Send or Dispatch to fire off a bunch of get
>> URL commands and then circle back to gather their results, a form of threads
>> or multi-tasking but from what I can see in the 4.5 docs, that is not how
>> those functions work. Is there a way in LiveCode to spawn a bunch of
>> processes to run in parallel and then to process their results as they get
>> returned?
>> I'm assuming the answers are: Yes, Yes, No. Just want to make sure I
>> understand them.
>> Kee Nethery_______________________________________________
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