Build XMLRPC request to Post to Word Press

Sivakatirswami katir at
Sun Sep 26 02:16:26 EDT 2010

  I'm trying to translate a Ruby frame work for posting to Word press 
into a Revolution upload script.

I don't know what I'm doing, so this is a fishing expedition (smile) and 
tomorrow I will go study the Word Press API and see if it is better 
tackling this without Ruby code in the middle of the R & D.

the "listener" on the server is the /blog/myblog/xmlrpc.php

script that handles input.

The API in use by the ruby example we already have working on the server 
to post from a  web page on the same box via local host, is using the 

I think I have cornered the key parts of the script:

Ruby has this function:
require  xmlrpc/client

     def newPost(content, publish)'metaWeblog.newPost', @blogid, @username,
           @password, content, publish)
where content is

content = {
       'title' => title,
       'description' => post

and publish is a  boolean string, either "true" or "false"


I'm assuming I can talk to this xmlrpc.php  remotely, assuming the log 
in details are here. The ruby library "client.rb"  which is required is 
over my head completely, but I'm assuming that the RevXMLRPC liberay 
should work, if I knew what I was doing, which I don't

I gave it this much of a "stab" and I will later keep plugging away in 
the dark if anyone has any ideas, let me know.

on mouseUp
   local tRequest
   put revXMLRPC_CreateRequest(field "Host",field "Port",field 
"Path",field "Protocol") into tRequest
   revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, "int", "1" # blog ide
   revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, "string", "user"
   revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, "string", "password"
   revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, "string", "metaWeblog.newPost" # I think 
the xmlrpc.php needs this...
   revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, "string", "Testing" # title of the post
   revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, "string", "Cool article" # 
description-article content
   revXMLRPC_AddParam tRequest, "string", "false" # send to drafts for 
now, don't publish.
   put revXMLRPC_Execute(tRequest) into  fld "result" # I get a number
   put tRequest into fld "result" # I would like to see what the request 
looks like but I don't get anything here...
end mouseUp

How do you get LiveCode to show you the full xml that has been built?  
That is being sent to the server?


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