[OT] revtalk.net

David Bovill david at vaudevillecourt.tv
Wed Sep 15 10:06:25 EDT 2010

And I have www.rev-co.de, which had full Trac, bugzilla integrated hosting,
Rev IDE integration, and email list integration. Then there have been scores
of other efforts - conclusion? Without a proper community / open source
strategy from RunRev - these efforts are unlikely to get off the ground let
alone succeed long term.

On 15 September 2010 14:55, Andre Garzia <andre at andregarzia.com> wrote:

> I have revwebhost.com  :-)
> (now that was me being psychic, I registered that before the announcement
> of
> RevWeb and On-Rev)
> As for revPlanets... I have wecode.org/planet that tracks Revolution
> keywords on twitter and also some interesting blog feeds

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