Spaced Out
Mark Schonewille
m.schonewille at
Sun Sep 5 08:06:45 EDT 2010
Hi Richmond,
Are you doing this on a PowerPC processor? I think your script will break on a computer with x86 processor. In unicode, a space still is space & NULL on x86 platforms and NULL & space on PPC platforms. Your script seems to find a space on PPC platforms but a NULL character on x86 platforms.
Best regards,
Mark Schonewille
Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 5 sep 2010, at 13:57, Richmond wrote:
> Cracked It!
> And a right "@#$%^" it is too . . . :(
>>> Running a detection script like this:
>>> on mouseUp
>>> set the useUnicode to true
>>> put the word 4 of the selectedChunk into W4
>>> put (W4 - 1) into W5
>>> get charToNum(char W5 to W4 of fld "MyGuff")
>>> put it into UNIK
>>> put the word 2 of the selectedChunk into W2
>>> put (W2 - 1) into W!
>>> get charToNumber(char W2 to W1 of fld "MyGuff")
>>> put it into UNIQ
>>> put uniEncode("The insertion point is between '") into P1
>>> put uniEncode("' and '") into P2
>>> put uniEncode("'") into P3
>>> set the unicodeText of fld "WhereAreWe" to P1& numToChar(UNIK)& P2& numToChar(UNIQ)& P3
>>> end mouseUp
>>> detects a SPACE when the insertion point is BEFORE the space, but
>>> does NOT detect a SPACE when the insertion point is AFTER a space.
> to detect a SPACE one has to TURN OFF useUnicode:
> set the useUnicode to false
> put the word 4 of the selectedChunk into WONKY
> get charToNum(char WONKY of fld "MyGuff")
> put it
> set the useUnicode to true
> "somebody", cough, cough, ought to get all this sorted out in the Documentation.
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