Escape key doesn't work with fullScreen?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sun Oct 31 16:03:21 EDT 2010

Richmond wrote:

> On 10/31/2010 12:17 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> While testing a presentation stack I noticed that the escapeKey
>> message doesn't seem to be sent while the stack is in fullscreen mode,
>> though it works as expected otherwise.
>> Is this a known feature/issue?
>> Or am I doing something wrong?
> Which OS was that?

It turns out that this is repeatable on any OS used by someone too 
stupid to remember he also has a rawKeyDown handler in place and instead 
posts to the list before double-checking his code.

This cognition bug is not fixable by RunRev, and has been marked as a 
duplicate of several related reports. ;)

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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