Missing mouse clicks

Terry Judd tsj at unimelb.edu.au
Thu Oct 28 20:06:22 EDT 2010

I¹ve got something weird going on where after creating a series of objects
by script (events in a calendar tool) the first two clicks on any of the
created objects aren¹t trapped. On the third click the group (of events)
mouseup script gets triggered and from then on a single click on any object
works as expected. I was previously using a behavior in each of the objects
but the same thing was happening. I¹ve tried trapping the mouseup message at
the object, group, card and stack level but none of them seem to get those
first two clicks (mousedowns are swallowed up as well). Suspending the
development environment doesn¹t help and I¹m seeing the same thing in a

Any ideas on what could be going on???


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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