Https, sslVerification, certificates - huh?

Terry Judd tsj at
Mon Oct 25 04:39:01 EDT 2010

Attention web gurus,

I¹m probably going about it all wrong but I¹m still struggling to retrieve
data from a series of secure (https) websites. Each of these sites requires
a username and password and I can post these along with the url and am able
to retrieve the expected result but ONLY if I set libURLSetSSLVerifaction to
false. If I don¹t do this I get nothing back from the url ­ a blank result.
While setting libURLSetSSLVerifaction to false gets things moving I suppose?
that doing so means the transaction isn¹t really secure?? I¹ve tried setting
the sslCertificates (by first loading the sites in Firefox and exporting the
certificates) but that doesn¹t seem to work. I¹m moving well past my comfort
zone with this stuff and am close to admitting defeat ­ but I really need to
get this stuff working for a major edu project I¹m working on.

Rev 4.5 ­ OSX 10.6

Any tips or ideas?


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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