MainStack subStack, I am lost

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sun Oct 24 12:03:45 EDT 2010


The splash stack doesn't need any substacks.

If you still need to switch a sub and a mainstack, you need to turn them both into mainstacks before you can make the former mainstack a substack of the former substack.

Now pay attention! I think you don't need to do anything complicated. Just make a mainstack of the splash stack. Add the stack file, which no longer contains the splash stack and ADD THE STACK FILE TO THE STACK FILE PROPERTY OF THE NEW SPLASH STACK. STACK FILES <> SUBSTACKS!!!

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 24 okt 2010, at 16:30, René Micout wrote:

> I do that, but
> either the splash (new main stack) becomes "alone" > the (old) mainStack don't become a sub-stack of the new one...
> either it is impossible (no menu item) for the (old) main stack to becomes sub-stack
> Is a simple (or) clear procedure exists to do that ?
> René
> Le 24 oct. 2010 à 16:22, Mark Schonewille a écrit :
>> You can make a standalone of your splash stack and keep the current mainstack with its substack(s) as it is. Use the property inspector to add your current mainstack to the stack files of the splash stack.

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