[OT] Mac App Store

Lynn Fredricks lfredricks at proactive-intl.com
Fri Oct 22 11:14:41 EDT 2010

> Nice article, Lynn.

Thanks Chipp!

> Heck, I first purchased TechSmith's SnagIt years ago, then 
> Camtasia soon after it launched. I now get an email every so 
> often with an upgrade discount offer I can't resist. They 
> receive 100% of the revenue, all for the cost of a single 
> email. This won't happen anymore with the new AppStore.

Absolutely - and this is under the guise of the new venue being more
trusted. That's a card that brokerages play often (as we both know from
elsewhere ;-)).

> I don't suspect any of these developers will be happy UNLESS 
> they can continue selling their products through traditional 
> channels AS WELL as the Mac AppStore-- AND receive the 
> customer registration information from the AppStore when a 
> sale is made. I'll be surprised if Apple allows for both of 
> these things to happen.

Right! I don't think at any point they will give you access to user
registration data, and simply claim it's a matter of their privacy policy.
It is the same with several publishers out there Ive worked with.

> I believe Apple is trying an end run stategy to bypass the 
> Internet, and become the new Kingmaker of software, much like 
> they've been able to do with the music industry. I suspect if 
> you could turn back the clocks, many music execs would've 
> acted much different before it all started to go Apple's way.

No matter what claims come from Apple as to intent, this is exactly the
strategy to take if tht is their intent. Admitting it would certainly cause
great harm to Apple, so we will never know until it either happens or not.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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