[ANN]BvG Docu 1.7

Björnke von Gierke bvg at mac.com
Tue Oct 19 15:48:19 EDT 2010

> I get "A problem Occured: sorry, but I couldn't find the
> 'packaged_xml/dictionary/clumps.index' file in that folder" using the
> defaults. And indeed there is no clumps.index file there.


reacting to a install where there's no clumps file, that was exactly what I changed. Do you two per chance not use the rev ide? because I use "if revappversion() = "4.5.0" then <create fake clumps file here>".

see also the following information that I sent to richard gaskin, regarding metacard, yesterday:

> the problematic check is in the "docslib by bvg" stack in the "docsLibParse" handler. It is part of how I extract stuff from the existing data-holding stacks which are called "revcDoclump_##" (various numbers at the end).

> if there's no way to know the actual rev-version, then you must change the code by hand. to do that, simply comment out the "if revappversion() = 4.5.0" line, as well as the one line in the "else" part (and of course the "else" and "end if"). 
> so it would look somewhat like this:
> --clumps.index doesn't exist in 4.5, so I fake it
>   --if  revappversion() = "4.5.0" then
>      put 50 into stupidRevIdea
>      put arraydecode(url ("binfile:" & theDocPath & "/dict.index")) into theData
>      put "" into theDict
>      set the itemdelimiter to "."
>      repeat for each key theKey in theData
>         put theData[theKey]["id"] into theEntry
>         put (item 1 of theEntry -1) mod stupidRevIdea + 1 into theNumber
>         put "revDocClump_" & (item 1 of theEntry -1) div stupidRevIdea + 1 into stupidToBeginWithClump
>         put slash & slash & theEntry , stupidToBeginWithClump, theNumber & return after theDict
>      end repeat
>      set the itemdelimiter to comma
>      delete char -1 of theDict
>   --else
>      --put url ("file:" & theDocPath & "/packaged_xml/dictionary/clumps.index") into theDict
>  --end if
> that should work fine, as long as you don't use the stack in older versions of rev than 4.0.0 ( not a typo). however, there's 4.0.0 specific problems with mangled entries, and i use a similar check there too, so it's best to stick to 4.5.0.
> by the way, the "cancel" entry is unreadable due to bad xml (written by rev). I was too lazy to include a fix for that. also there's keywords that have "xmlerr, can't find element" as syntax. that too is a problem directly in the source files, and me being too lazy to code a workaround. both problems have been bugzillaed.

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