Datagrid - chopped off last record

Terry Judd tsj at
Mon Oct 18 04:45:02 EDT 2010

Another one solved (although the cause remains a mystery). I rebuilt the
datagrid and the problem went away.


On 18/10/10 2:44 PM, "Terry Judd" <tsj at> wrote:

> So, my form datagrid has the 'fixed control height' setting unchecked and
> it's all displaying as expected, except for the last record, which is being
> only partially displayed, even when the scrollbar is scrolled right to the
> bottom. The proportion of the last record being displayed also changes
> according to the height of the datagrid.
> How do I get the entire last record to be displayed?
> Terry...
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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