[ANN] Simple RPN Calculator on RevOnline

Andre Garzia andre at andregarzia.com
Wed Oct 13 17:12:56 EDT 2010


I see... the thing about X,Y,Z,T is that some HP calculators have only 4
stacked register with some tricks with X,Y and T always rolling. My little
stack is limited only by the memory available. I am trying to shoehorn the
rolling T right now...

I just read http://www.hpmuseum.org/rpn.htm to have some clear mental
picture of how x,y,z,t behave and also R dn, Last X and CLx

I think I can create something here... :-)

ho ho ho my little RPN calc is growing.

On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 6:07 PM, <DunbarX at aol.com> wrote:

> Andre.
> The whole point of registers is that data entry is naturally terminated by
> either an "enter" or an operator. The data is loaded, and waits for the
> user
> to command it. This is unlike an algebraic (or operator prefix) system
> where the operator is entered between the operands, and therefore the
> process is
> locked into a prescribed state. You cannot change your mind, and add,
> instead of multiply, those two numbers you are interested in. The four
> register
> stack permits any number of levels of nested, complex chain calculations.
> This requires a separate temporary register in a prefix system.
> But you know all that. I just think that a register based gadget would be
> easier to author than any other, and you could make it so those registers
> are
> visible, if you wanted to. Like that calculator I cannot remember...
> Craig
> In a message dated 10/13/10 4:47:53 PM, andre at andregarzia.com writes:
> > Craig,
> >
> > Just added a new revision to RevOnline, now there is a negate button and
> > the
> > minus sign behave as expected (by executing the operation)
> >
> > the switch and rolldown button would depend on me having registers which
> I
> > don't right now. There is "swp" which swaps the last two entries in the
> > stack.
> >
> > Will find out how hard it is to have some HP like registers.
> >
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