Nine digit zip codes
James Hurley
jhurley0305 at
Sun Nov 28 11:20:57 EST 2010
Thanks. Good explanation.
But I still wonder where RIchard came up with the input to the GET
command, namely:
I can use it as template to find the nine digit zip code for any
address and so my problem is solved, but I would like to know where it
comes from. I am missing something that I may need the next time.
Thanks again,
Jim Hurley
> Message: 18
> Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 04:18:13 -0800
> From: Jim Ault <jimaultwins at>
> To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at>
> Subject: Re: Nine digit zip codes Oops
> Message-ID: <8652E41F-85A2-42B1-AF22-5A61FBC604ED at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
> The 'submit' button on a page will do one of two things. Either
> send a GET string
> send a POST message
> ------ I meant to add this ----------
> The USPS page uses 'post', as shown on the line below
> <FORM name="form1" action="zcl_0_results.jsp" method="post"
> OnSubmit="return validate(form1)">
> where action-> the script (handler),
> and the method tells the script to look inside the $_POST array for
> data that has been passed.
> BUT , your browser runs a javascript before sending, and validates the
> form
> (search for 'function validate(field) { // check if input ok )
> ----------
> The GET is a simple method of send a web page address & the data
> pairs.
> - this method has a limit of about 1000 chars and is sent so that a
> program sniffing packets can see the entire string
> The POST is a more capable method that sends the web page address &
> another message block that can contain a variety of encoded data.
> - this method does not have a limit and the variables cannot be
> sniffed if sent using SSL. or encryption, etc.
> In your case, the LC 'post' command is the 'submit' button action.
> In the LC library, the web page address and the message are formatted
> for you
> Think of the receiving web page as a hander in LC.
> The post message calls the handler and passes the variables defined by
> pVar1=string&pVar2=integer&pVar3=state&pVar4=city
> Now the server program gets called, crunches, and returns what it is
> programmed to return, just like a LC handler or function.
> The POST command can also send images (as binary endoded as a text
> block), sounds, videos, files, etc.
> The key is to format the message so that the sever program can know
> how to decode the text and where the parts begin and end, if multiple
> parts are sent in one message. This is the function of 'multi-part
> boundaries' (long random strings that divide the parts)
> On Nov 27, 2010, at 3:46 PM, James Hurley wrote:
>> Richard,
>> I'm beginning to get it. I should put
>>>> visited
>>>> =1&pagenumber=0&firmname=&address2=620+moulton&address1=&city=los
>>>> +
>>>> angeles
>>>> &state
>>>> =ca&urbanization=&zip5=90031&submit.x=48&submit.y=8&submit=Fin
>> into field 1--or, of course, the data appropriate to my addresses.
>> But where did this "visited" line come from? Where in the process of
>> sending the "submit" does this line present itself?
>> Jim
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