LiveCode & applescript

Yves COPPE yvescoppe at
Sun Nov 28 10:58:39 EST 2010

Le 28 nov. 2010 à 15:26, zryip theSlug a écrit :


thank you for the clarification and the good lesson !

> Hi Yves and Sarah,
> 1) The open command behaves like the File -> Open menu in the finder.
> In fact, "open" is more dedicated to open a document. In AS, the
> "application" class inherits of the "document" class. In the "open
> application" case, the iCal application is considered as a document of
> the Finder.
> Open a document in an application will bring it on the frontmost of
> the documents. So each new application open in the finder will be
> opened on the frontmost.
> 2) As pointed out by Sarah, the launch command is a better choice,
> remaining iCal behind LiveCode.
> The "launch" command opens a new application on the top of the finder,
> but behind the frontmost applications.
> 3) You can also use the "run" command
> The run command seems to open a new application "behind" the finder,
> so behind the finder windows already opened.
> Regards,


yvescoppe at

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