A Few bits and pieces
zryip theSlug
zryip.theslug at gmail.com
Sat Nov 27 16:32:07 EST 2010
On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 7:51 PM, Peter Haworth <pete at mollysrevenge.com> wrote:>
> I'm seeing several additions/changes to datagrids in the release notes for
> 4.5/4.5.1. Some of them are self-explanatory but there's a few that aren't
> explained in the release notes and aren't mentioned in the latest version of
> the datagrid manual. They are:
I can't answer for the first part
> SetDataOfIndex/Line can pass multiple keys - what's the syntax for
> this?
> dgClickLine, dgClickIndex, dgClickedInDataView,ColumnControlOFLine -
> more info?
1) SetDataOfIndex pIndex, pKey, pValue
SetDataOfLine pLine, pKey, pValue
SetDataOfIndex and SetDataOfLine working now with several couple of
pKey and pValue at the same time. See the FindLine command in the
documentation for a similar command.
Example to set the content of a line where you have first_name and
last_name columns
SetDataOfLine 1, "first_name", "Pete", "last_name", "Haworth"
2) -> dgClickLine (read only) : returns the number of the click line
or empty if the user not clicked on a line of data
-> dgClickIndex works same than the dgClickLine but returns the
index of the clicked line
Example with a mouseDoubleUp located in the datagrid script:
on mouseDoubleUp
local tTheClickLine
put the dgClickLine of me into tTheClickLine
if (tTheClickLine is not empty) then
answer "You have double clicked on the line" && tTheClickLine
end if
pass mouseDoubleUp
end mouseDoubleUp
-> dgClickedInDataView returns true if the user clicked in the area
where data is displayed.
Example with an improvement of a script I have already shared on the
list for managing the empty area and adding a row on a double click.
This script should be available in its more improved form, in a future
version of the DGH plugin:
on mouseDoubleUp
DGH_AddNewLineOnDoubleClick --
end mouseDoubleUp
command DGH_AddNewLineOnDoubleClick
## Add a new line in the dg when user double click on an empty area in the dg
if ((the dgClickedInDataView of me) and (the dgClickLine of me is
empty)) then
end if
end DGH_AddNewLineOnDoubleClick
3) ColumnControlOFLine and ColumnControlOFIndex are functions that you
can use in the datagrid messages path
ColumnControlOFLine pColumn, pLine returns the long id of the control
for the line pLine and the column pColumn
ColumnControlOfIndex pColumn, pIndex returns the long id of the
control for the line pIndex and the column pColumn
You can using these functions if you need to interact with a control
in a cell in a datagrid table.
For datagrids forms it exists the properties:
- dgDataControlOfLine pLine
- dgDataControlOfIndex pIndex
put ColumnControlOfIndex("Color", the dgIndex of me) into theColumnControl
set the backcolor of graphic "Graphic" of theColumnControl to the
selectedtext of btn "Choice" of me
-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
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