Audio Triggering + Mouse Event latency
Fred Moyer
fmoyer at
Tue Nov 16 08:30:12 EST 2010
Where can I get PlayCommand? I can't find it on Jacque's site.
This discussion reminds me of my problem. I am a pianist and am trying to use Revolution in my concerts. A typical performance starts with me playing on the piano alone -- and at a specific moment I bring in a recorded accompaniment which is in a Player in Revolution. I do it with a foot pedal that generates a mouseclick (my hands are busy.) When I press the foot pedal Revolution starts the player which is already loaded with the soundfile. Here's the problem: if Revolution loads the file and I press the foot pedal within about 20 secondso, the sound plays immediately -- no problem. But if my piano solo part is longer than that, it seems that Quicktime (or Revolution?) goes into some kind of hibernation mode and now when I press the foot pedal there is a delay of perhaps a second before the sound plays. This is death for the performance! So now I have to press the foot pedal about a second before the sound starts; it is really a drag! Any ideas?
Based on this discussion, I gather it would be quicker if I could get the foot pedal to generate a keydown? Any ideas how to do this? How do you make an external mouse generate a keydown instead of a mousedown?
Is there any way to set Quicktime to not go into that hibernation mode? I have Snow Leopard. Would it help to move to Quicktime Pro? Or Quicktime X?
Thanks for any suggestions.
Fred Moyer
On Nov 16, 2010, at 4:33 AM, use-revolution-request at wrote:
> Message: 26
> Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:26:25 +0100
> From: Ren? Micout <rene.micout at>
> Subject: Re: Audio Triggering + Mouse Event latency
> To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at>
> Message-ID: <2769F86D-1364-4199-8005-D5376BFFB175 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Hello Anthony,
> I just returned from a trip and I discovered the discussion. For months (years...) I work on this problem and the best solution I've found in terms of responsiveness is to use PlayCommand Agent X (see Jacqueline web site for that) which controls the QuickTime synthesizer via AppleScript. I have a (Mac) prototype in progress (for iPad in final) called "Exapad" which is based on the principles you have mentioned and which uses "MouseDown" to start the sound and "MouseUp" to stop it. Hare are scripts extremely simplified (because in application chords can be played and arpeggiated) :
> global vgVolumeGénéral,vgTimbre -- settings with slider and menu
> on mouseDown
> hsJouerNotes the cpNoteBase of the target -- custom property of the note or sound (target = image or button)
> end mouseDown
> on mouseUp
> hsArrêtNotes the cpNoteBase of the target
> end mouseUp
> private command hsJouerNotes vpFondam
> SBstartNote vgTimbre,vpFondam,vgVolumeGénéral
> end hsJouerNotes
> private command hsArrêtNotes vpFondam
> SBstopNote vgTimbre,vpFondam
> end hsArrêtNotes
> command SBstartNote vpI,vpP,vpV
> do ("tell application"&"e& "PlayCommand Agent X" "e && "to" && "play note instrument" && quote & vpI & quote && "pitch" && vpP && "velocity" && vpV) as AppleScript
> end SBstartNote
> command SBstopNote vpI,vpP
> do ("tell application" && quote & "PlayCommand Agent X" & quote && "to" && "play note instrument"&& quote & vpI & quote && "pitch" && vpP && "velocity" && 0) as AppleScript
> end SBstopNote
> No latency. Percussion sounds possible...
> I stop because I have no more place...
> Bon souvenir de Paris
> René
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