Follow the rev tools palette by a window
zryip theSlug
zryip.theslug at
Fri Nov 12 18:16:54 EST 2010
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 10:02 PM, zryip theSlug <zryip.theslug at> wrote:
> Dear list members,
> To follow the rev tools palette by a window (a palette), I use the
> send message in time form below :
> command scanForRevToolsLoc
> set the topLeft of this stack to the bottomLeft of stack "Revtools"
> send "scanForRevToolsLoc" to me in 100 milliseconds
> end scanForRevToolsLoc
> This handler works as expect excepted for one thing: it seems that
> dragging the tools palette by it's title bar, give no time to the RR
> engine. So during the drag, nothing is intercepted by the
> scanForRevToolsLoc handler. It performs only when the user release the
> mouse on the palette.
> Is it possible to have something more in "real time"?
I reply myself to this old message I sent. I agree that is a bad
habit, but that is the fault of Richmond!
Instead to use a send in time handler, a possible solution consists to
insert a front script with a moveStack handler.
Here is the front script:
constant kColorPickerName = "ASG_ColorPicker"
constant kToolsPaletteName = "revTools"
on moveStack
_dockPicker --
pass moveStack
end moveStack
on resizeStack
_dockPicker --
pass resizeStack
end resizeStack
private command _dockPicker
if (_StackIsToolsPalette()) then
if (_PickerIsDocked()) then
send "dockPicker" to cd 1 of stack kColorPickerName
end if
end if
end _dockPicker
private function _StackIsToolsPalette
return (the short name of the owner of the target is kToolsPaletteName)
end _StackIsToolsPalette
private function _PickerIsDocked
return (the cIsDocked of stack kColorPickerName)
end _PickerIsDocked
And the script to dock the palette to the "revtools" palette:
constant kToolsPaletteName = "revTools"
command dockPicker
set the topLeft of this stack to the bottomLeft of stack kToolsPaletteName
go to this stack
end dockPicker
All working now in "real time".
Best regards,
-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
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