The State of Rev (Was Re: [ANN] Rodeo IDE preview video)

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon May 31 11:30:21 EDT 2010

Andre Garzia wrote:
> I learned all that the third party addons do
> is reduce your development/support time which in return helps your ROI which
> makes your business more likely to succeed. Most of Rev addons are Rev built
> anyway. Sometimes is a wise investment to use third party tools to improve
> your business, some other times, you can just do without it.

This is a valid point. I don't argue that the Rev Linux needs work -- we 
all agree on that -- but as far as RevSelect tools go, they are all 
written in RevTalk and the same functionality could be implemented by 
anyone. I'm not trying to make excuses because I fully agree with what 
Peter says about Linux, but just want to point out that there isn't 
anything magical about these tools. They do not implement things the 
engine lacks, as Peter suggests. They simply use the existing engine to 
create shortcuts for those who want to save some time.

For myself, and possibly for other tools vendors, I didn't implement 
Zygodact for Linux because I am missing some critical info about the 
Linux OS that I would need to do that. I could find out what I need 
pretty easily I think, but as far as I know, there's little market for 
Zygodact on Linux. I have never received a request for that platform. If 
I ever do, I'd be happy to do the research required and create a build. 
But how many people are shipping commercial products for Linux that 
require a serial key system? In fact, as far as I know, most Linux users 
expect free software. Zygodact has no market on Linux if that's true.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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