revWeb - revlet - examples please

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed May 26 11:10:02 EDT 2010

Richard K. Herz wrote:

> Robert Mann wrote:
>> nice initiative! I really wonder how large is revTalk community... Anyway
>> good opportunity to be able to test what actually work and what does not.
>> 1) audio on revlet seems to be problematic :
>> # RGB Music RENGA<>  by Kenji
>> Kojima : no sound (macBook mac os x 10.5 / on safari and firefox)
> Click on the image on the right side of the link above - or go directly to
> and click "Allow Once" in the security notice. Then, on the lower right
> of the window, there is set of Play, Pause, Stop buttons - click the
> Play button - I hear music on Mac on Firefox OK.

Mr. Kojima normally does very excellent work, so my experience is 
probably more reflective of the beta state of the plugin than his 
coding, but FWIW under the latest version of Firefox I heard squelches 
when I clicked the Play button, then I got the Beach Ball of Death and 
suddenly most other apps weren't working normally either; had to restart 
my Mac for the first time in more than a week.

As a side note, it would be nice if the plugin could ask for user 
permissions when they're needed rather than before the stack loads.

Before the stack loads the user has no way to know why the stack would 
need access to their drive, but once the stack is running the user can 
see that they have options to save files locally.

Another option might be to allow the stack to respond to the user's 
response to that security prompt, so that it could load a version 
without the security-risking features which, in my experience, are 
usually peripheral to a stack's main functionality.

As it is, with so many people requiring their site visitors to give them 
unbridled access to everything on their hard drive, Rev developers are 
giving the RevWeb plugin a reputation of being The Scariest Plugin on 
the Internet.

RevWeb security warnings: use sparingly

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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