howto export a styled formated field to text file

Jim Sims sims at
Sun May 23 07:18:18 EDT 2010

On May 23, 2010, at 12:57 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:

> 1. : i'm able to apply style attribute to a field contents (example : in changing the title line style font, wight, etc...)
> 2. : i'm, then, able to save this styled field contents as HTMLText or RTFText and it's OK
> Question : is it a way to retrieve 1.- from 2.- (HTMLText or RTFText back to the initial styled attributes that i had applied to the field contents first) ?

The dictionary does state:  

The RTFText property is a representation of the styled text of the field in RTF format.

Setting the RTFText of a field (or a chunk of a field) sets both the text contents and the font, size, style, and color attributes corresponding to the information in the RTFString. Any other formatting controls in the RTFstring are ignored.

To export and re-import field information without losing any style information, use the htmlText property instead.


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