Getting an Audio Plugin Created ( was RE: [audio] Call for anupdated enhanced quicktime audio library ora small audiocomplementary library!)

Robert Mann rman at
Sat May 22 16:30:42 EDT 2010

I find their licensing terms really fine and I like their attitude too. This
library really smells good to me.

So I have emailed them too. Technically I have not yet used external
libraries. As I understand it we have to create a runrev wrapper in the X
code environment. I guess if one makes one, it can be used by any other, so
long their usage sticks to the license. Since there is a free step and we
should to test it out, if it was something easy to do for an externals
"specialist", it would be a great help to share this wrapper. (I took time
to read the rev artice on how to use externals).

Also, considering the technicalities of dealing with audio, I understand
that runrev have not commited to it. Now a specific global agreement
allowing runrev to incorporate the major most required functions would be
great!! Special needs would be covered by an additional library with a
direct license from BASS.

Anybody in touch with the runrev team personnaly?

As for sharing things over here, I 'll exchange the BASS wrapper for the
workaround audio trick I found to record mp3 in a stack, as shared revOnline
stacks!  My position is to share technical tricks that should not pose
problems ("normally" or "ideally"?) but that in practice  lead to
headaches... that one should not wish for your neigbhour!!!

Stephen Barncard-4 wrote:
> I saw no wrong on the licensing. I like their attitude, their pricing
> model.
> Pretty reasonable, even cheap, if one would ask me. Look, this stuff is
> used
> for professional applications, is not easy to write, and the authors
> deserve
> payment. And they are not charging royalties. How could one expect
> quality,
> free, and supported to be in the same product?
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