Rodeo: 2 questions

Andre Garzia andre at
Thu May 20 12:49:57 EDT 2010


I don't think you'll reach problems of scalability that easily. Twitter and
Facebook have scalability issues, you'll probably be fine for months before
reaching scaling issues even if you're really successful.

Don't think a single server with a single database is no good for your
needs. Can you tell me what is the biggest demand you think of for your
product because I tend to believe that you'll do just fine with a simple

You need massive access and stuff to approach the limits of mySQL or
PostgreSQL. Apache is very robust as well and I don't think you'll reach its

You're probably safe on On-Rev or Rodeo or whatever is invented soon.


On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 1:25 PM, David Bovill <david at>wrote:

> On 20 May 2010 16:55, Jerry Daniels <jerry.daniels at> wrote:
> > The cheapest, most scalable and fastest performing are all the same
> > solution:
> >
> > 1. Client: thin
> > 2. Web server: thin, but round-robin'd the IP addresses to 1 of the 13
> app
> > servers
> > 3. Web app server: hefty, almost fat
> > 4. Data: thin and agnostic (NO stored procedures)
> >
> Hi Jerry this is not the sort of scalability that is needed for some
> interesting classes of apps. First it is very expensive in terms of set up,
> and then admin. By very expensive I mean more than $1,000.
> It is the transition between - "give the idea a go" and "wow it's taken
> off"
> that I'm interested in addressing. If you can get the costs down on that
> you
> can do some interesting things. At the progression from basic hosting to
> the
> set up you describe is a big expensive jump. Also it does not scale
> massively for bursts on unpredictable demand. One application I've been
> asked to get my head around may have up to 1 million concurrent users or it
> may flop - a pay as you go service like Amazon or Google App engine helps
> you cope with that.
> In the world of webApps, I think we can also consider other scenarios:
>   1. AJAX embeds / Flash / revLet plugins for blogs, webApps on mobiles
>   2. Client side processing and web service based data => no need for 2)
>   3. Cloud based DB such as Google AppEngine or Amazon SimpleDB
>   (effectively combines 3 and 4)
> People buy the apps, come to a separate web site where they can create
> customised embeds for their blogs or social networks. They can buy or
> subscribe and this covers the cost of the Cloud DB as it scales
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