Getting an Audio Plugin Created ( was RE: [audio] Call for anupdated enhanced quicktime audio library ora small audiocomplementary library!)

Fred Moyer fmoyer at
Thu May 20 10:52:29 EDT 2010

I've been following this thread and am very excited about the  
possibility of more audio functionality from within Rev. I am  
continually in need for these kinds of tools (mostly audio but also  
midi.) Here's my wishlist:

- Play a sound file at a different speeds without changing pitch,  
while maintaining good sound quality. Some time shift apps sound  
pretty poor. There is a program called the Amazing Slow Downer which  
I think does a good job.
- Fade ins/out. At present if all you need to do is fade from one  
song to another, two rev players works fine. But the splices I need  
to do are between two versions of the exact same place in the same  
song. I've been trying to do it with 2 rev players and there is  
usually a little bauble at the splice point. (Aside: I think I have a  
better "formula" for fades than the n // 100-n formula -- if anyone  
is interested, contact me.) One problem I'm experiencing is that when  
I play the same fade over and over, it sounds slightly different each  
time, telling me that "set the currentime of player x"  is probably  
just not rock-solid enough for what I'm doing. So what would be great  
is a fading/splicing feature that is rock-solid and is a lot finer  
than 600 units per second.
- With one stack I'm working on, I need to "tap" to the music to  
record the timing of the notes. This is classical music that often  
includes lots of fast notes. I've tried using the mouse or keyboard  
to do this, but the resulting data is inexact. (I think the computer  
is doing other tasks at the same time and doesn't give these  
mouseclicks or keydowns top priority.) Maybe what I need is some kind  
of midi input (I gather that is one of the great things about midi --  
that it doesn't matter if the computer is downloading emails or  
looking for bluetooth devices -- it is going to record the time of  
those midi events perfectly.) But if midi features are added, it  
would be great if the user doesn't need to hook up a midi keyboard to  
record; for what I need to do, just the computer keyboard and mouse  
should be sufficient.
- EQ, reverb, limiters/compressors would be great, and a way to add  
3rd party plugins for those wanting higher quality.


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