Selected object "boxes"

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu May 6 23:39:54 EDT 2010

JosepM wrote:
> Hi List,
> I don't know how to refer to this boxes, maybe the anchor points to resize
> the object.

We call them "handles".

> I need make invisible the boxes that appear when draw a polygon or circle,
> the dark grey boxes around the graphic. I need to draw a polygon but without
> show these anchor boxes, so they difficult the draw.
> It's posible?

The engine puts handles on the graphic whenever it is selected in edit 
mode. Your script can create a graphic without using edit mode and there 
will be no handles:

   create graphic "newGrc"

If you need to resize the graphic, you'd have to figure out the 
rectangle and then set it by script:

   set the rect of grc "newGrc" to a,b,x,y

As long as you are not in edit mode there will be no handles.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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