Property profiles

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Sat Mar 27 00:50:12 EDT 2010

Has anyone ever actually used profiles?

I haven't but I thought that I had a good use for them this time, so I
tried to set them up.
When I go to the profiles section of the inspector, I see a Master
profile listed in bold.
I created another 2 two profiles, planning to delete the Master later
& switch between my two,
So far so good, although when I made a profile in the Stack inspector,
I expected to see it appear in the other objects inspectors too, so
it's a bit of a bore if i have to create my profiles for every single
object in my stack.

But then I went to add a property to one of my profiles.It appeared to
work, but when I clicked on another profile, then back on my new one,
the property had gone.
This happened whether I had entered a value or not.

So are profiles broken? Or am I misunderstanding how to set them up?


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