Deleting Data Woefully Slow

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at
Thu Mar 25 19:18:00 EDT 2010


Nice, I'll look into that a bit further to see if it makes any difference
how much data is on a line. Fortunately I'm only working with 4 - 90 chars
per line.


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 12:13 AM, Mark Wieder <mwieder at>wrote:

> Kay-
> Thursday, March 25, 2010, 3:20:41 AM, you wrote:
> > If anyone thinks they can delete data faster than my Test 4 I'd sure
> > appreciate some pointers :-)
> Here's what I threw together, and for smaller data sets it's roughly
> twice as fast as your test 4 (1 or 2 ms vs 4 or 5 ms over 5000 lines).
> But for larger data sets it starts to bog down and then comes out
> twice as slow (90 ms vs 45 ms over 50000 lines). And since I'm working
> with a reduced data set after the filter command, using the "delete"
> line instead of the "put" line makes no difference to the overall
> timing. If you know in advance that you want to delete three lines
> starting with a trigger phrase, then you've got a fast algorithm
> there.
>    --test5
>     put the millisec into tStart
>     put tData into tData5
>    filter tData5 with "*a*"
>    repeat for each line tLine in tData5
>        put lineoffset(tLine, tData) into tPos
>        if tPos is not 0 then
>            --delete line tPos to tPos+2 of tData
>            put line 1 to tPos-1 of tData & cr & line tPos+3 to -1 of tData
> & cr into tData
>        end if
>    end repeat
>    put word 1 to -1 of tData into tData
>     put the millisec into tEnd
>     put tEnd - tStart into tTotal5
>    if (tData1 <> tData) then
>        answer "Error: tData1 <> tData"
>        breakpoint
>    end if
> --
> -Mark Wieder
>  mwieder at
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