Deleting Data Woefully Slow

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at
Thu Mar 25 06:20:41 EDT 2010

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Kay C Lan <lan.kc.macmail at> wrote:

> But something Brian wrote has got me thinking and testing. Instead of
> 'delete lines 12345 to 12347...' I'm looking at put Lines 1 to 12344... & cr
> & lines 12348 to -1.... ' Fingers crossed.
> \
Not that fruitful, still slow.

Test 1 uses 'delete lines x to (x+2) of tData1

Test 2 uses ' put line 1 to (x-1) of tData2 & cr & line (x+3) to -1 of
tData2 into tData2.

Test 3 uses a simple repeat with x = and then skips lines.

Test 4 is the 'repeat for each' that more closely resembles what I'm
actually using to skip lines. Even with the switch statement it is still
significantly faster to recreate 99.9% of your data than to delete 0.1%

If anyone thinks they can delete data faster than my Test 4 I'd sure
appreciate some pointers :-)

MBP 2.16GHz, 2 GB RAM, OS x.6.2, Rev Studio 4.0.0 Build 950

Removing 0.1% of data in 50000 Lines
In a 50000 repeat loop
Delete line x to x+2 = 11478 ms
put line 1 to (x-2) = 11595 ms
repeat with x...skip lines = 23010 ms
repeat for each = 37 ms --create 99.9%

on mouseup
   put 50 into tHowMany
   put tHowMany * 1000 into tRepeats
   --because Mark Wieder doesn't like random;-)
   repeat tHowMany times
      put "a" & cr after tData
      repeat with x = 1 to 999
         put x & cr after tData
      end repeat
   end repeat

   put tData into tData1
   --test 1

   put the millisec into tStart
   repeat with x = the number of lines of tData down to 1
      if (line x tData contains "a") then
         delete line x to (x+2) of tData1
      end if
   end repeat
   put word 1 to -1 of tData1 into tData1
   put the millisec into tEnd
   put tEnd - tStart into tTotal1

   put tData into tData2
   --test 2

   put the millisec into tStart
   repeat with x = the number of lines of tData down to 1
      if (line x tData contains "a") then
         put line 1 to (x-1) of tData2 & cr & line (x+3) to -1 of tData2
into tData2
      end if
   end repeat
   put word 1 to -1 of tData2 into tData2
   put the millisec into tEnd
   put tEnd - tStart into tTotal2

   if (tData1 <> tData2) then
      answer "Error"
   end if

   --test 3

   put the millisec into tStart
   repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines of tData
      if (line x tData contains "a") then
         put x + 2 into x
         put line x of tData & cr after tData3
      end if
   end repeat
   put word 1 to -1 of tData3 into tData3
   put the millisec into tEnd
   put tEnd - tStart into tTotal3

   if (tData1 <> tData2) or (tData1 <> tData3) then
      answer "Error"
   end if

   --test 4
   put 3 into tSkip

   put the millisec into tStart
   repeat for each line tLine in tData
         case (tSkip < 3)
            put tSkip +1 into tSkip
         case (tLine contains "a")
            put 1 into tSkip
            put tLine & cr after tData4
      end switch
   end repeat
   put word 1 to -1 of tData4 into tData4
   put the millisec into tEnd
   put tEnd - tStart into tTotal4

   if (tData1 <> tData2) or (tData1 <> tData3)  or (tData1 <> tData4) then
      answer "Error"
   end if

   put "Removing 0.1% of data in " & tRepeats & " Lines" & cr into msg
   put "In a " & tRepeats & " repeat loop" & cr after msg
   put "Delete line x to x+2 = " & tTotal1 & " ms" & cr after msg
   put "put line 1 to (x-2) = " & tTotal2 & " ms" & cr after msg
   put "repeat with x...skip lines = " & tTotal3 & " ms" & cr after msg
   put "repeat for each = " & tTotal4 & " ms" after msg
end mouseup

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