Revmobile Internet Support

Colin Holgate coiin at
Sun Mar 21 10:39:05 EDT 2010

On Mar 21, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Mike Brown wrote:

> Does anyone know the method for displaying the web page retrieved from the example "put url (“”) into tGooglePage"?

I suppose you would say:

revBrowserSet id, "htmltext",tGooglePage

where id would be the id of the revBrowser instance. Still wouldn't work on a phone.

Here's a script that would close all existing revBrowsers, get the Google page source, and then set it to a new instance:

on mouseUp
   put revBrowserInstances() into tInstances
   repeat for each item tInstance in tInstances
      revBrowserClose tInstance
   end repeat
   put url ("") into tGooglePage
   put revBrowserOpen(the windowId of this stack, "") into tBrowserId
   revBrowserSet tBrowserId,"rect",the rect of button "placeholder"
   revBrowserSet tBrowserId,"htmltext",tGooglePage
end mouseUp

Usually I think you would open the initial page in the first revBrowserSet line. In the above example, button "placeholder" is set to have an outer glow, which means that the web page seems to have that outer glow too.

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