Possible virus warning

Bob Sneidar bobs at twft.com
Fri Mar 19 16:07:54 EDT 2010

Aye, but no one to date has found an efficient way to put an old PC on one's head and have it stay there for long. Every solution has it's limitations. 


On Mar 19, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

> As Linux costs nothing and one can get hold of a second-hand PC for next to nothing
> (street prices in Bulgaria currently running at: P3 = EUR25, 17" VDU = EUR25) it behooves
> everyone (gosh; I've been longing for an excuse to use that awkward verb for ages)
> to "rush out and buy one" for 2 very good reasons:
> 1. One can check one's e-mail without getting twitched to the eyeballs about viruses.
> 2. One prevents an old PC ending in a landfill and transmitting filthy pollution into the
> atmosphere.
> Probably a better bet than Aluminium Foil: mind you; one of these might be a good idea:

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