Cursor questions

Andre.Bisseret Andre.Bisseret at
Fri Mar 19 12:03:09 EDT 2010


Le 19 mars 10 à 13:15, Peter Brigham MD a écrit :

> On Mar 18, 2010, at 6:56 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:
>>> Second, is it possible for me to detect that the mouse is over a  
>>> link and change the cursor to something else (i.e. the hand icon/ 
>>> cursor)? I know there's changes coming w/ 4.5 that look promising.  
>>> I haven't bothered to download the developer preview as I really  
>>> don't want to risk is, but if some of these concerns go away with  
>>> 4.5 and someone can just email me them (instead of breaking NDA on  
>>> the list), that'd be fine, too. (massung at
>> This doesn't require 4.5, so no NDA conflict here.
>> I put this in a card script and it seems to work fine:
>> on mouseMove
>>  if word 1 of the target = "field" then
>>     if the textStyle of the mouseText contains "link" then
>>        lock cursor
>>        set the cursor to hand
>>     else
>>        unlock cursor
>>     end if
>>  end if
>>  pass mouseMove
>> end mouseMove

With browse tool choosen the handler above  works perfectly, but not  
if pointer tool is choosen: in this case one gets errors (for the  
second "if" line).

To avoid that,, seems that is necessary to include the case where the  
mouseText is empty.
  Something like the following:

on mouseMove
    if word 1 of the target = "field" then
       if the mouseText = empty then unlock cursor
          if the textStyle of the mouseText contains "link" then
             lock cursor
             set the cursor to hand
             unlock cursor
          end if
       end if
    end if

    pass mouseMove
end mouseMove

By the way, generally I am using the following (thanks to the help of  
Éric Chatonet) which include the case of buttons and which works well

local tCode,
on mouseMove
   case "button" is in the target
     ShowHandCursor #
   case the mouseText = empty --mouseText = empty -- important!
     unlock cursor
   case "link" is in the textStyle of the mouseChunk
     ShowHandCursor #
     ResetCursor #
   end switch
end mouseMove
on mouseLeave
   ResetCursor #
end mouseLeave
on ShowHandCursor
   set the cursor to hand
   lock cursor
end ShowHandCursor
on ResetCursor
    unlock cursor
end ResetCursor

> I prefer to set the defaultcursor to hand or to empty instead of  
> locking and setting the cursor. Whenever I've tried to use lock  
> cursor I've ended up having intermittent frozen cursor problems.
did not notice such issue, but well, I am going to  pay attention to  
> Also, you might want to put in a "if the locktext of the target  
> then..." test, or you'll get the cursor changing over links in  
> unlocked fields, and when the cursor changes to hand the user will  
> think the link is clickable -- but it won't be.
> -- Peter
Thank you Peter for this goog suggestion. I will keep it in mind if I  
have links in unlocked fields
You seem very and rightly "user-orented" ;-))

Best regards from Grenoble


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